Saturday, January 21

Copy That!: Fish Kebab

At my old blog's home, I used to have categorize for my food porns and food blogs. I am not sure why it took me this long to revive that here. Categorize (also reads as organizing ;) ) -definitely makes our lives easier.

Anyways, one of my categories was Copy That! .. from the phrase itself, these are recipes i saw on TV or online or food i've tasted at some resto or home that I am giving my own try and touch.

So for today's feature for Copy That! .. ta da.. hubby's Fish Kebab.

Yes, you saw this @ my Paskong Pinoy post

Yes, you read it right. This is not my touch to the recipe but my Sous Chef's (also known as hubby) touch to the Fish Kebab that we tasted at Tambuli last November. After tasting it, we had several talks on how we could replicate the dish and finally, Christmas Eve came, the perfect time to cook the dish 'his' own way. Yes again, you read it right. It was his own recipe and prep (with only my supervision as the Executive Chef hihihih shhhhh, don't let the Sous Chef read this!). I had no intention of posting this recipe since it wasn't mine share, but while he was preparing this dish, he had been proudly saying how sumptuous the dish would turn out and was teasing me na keso, the recipe would be one of my future posts and that I should be taking pictures.. blah blah blah! :) Yeah, I regretted not taking pics of the prep as it would do this post better justification sana (not that it lack it din). So here it is..

You'll Need:
Fish Cubes, preferably white meat (your choice of fish, we used Blue Marlin)
Green and Yellow Tomatoes, cubed
Red and Green Bell Pepper, cubed
White Onions, cubed

For the marinade:
Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper

You'll Do:
This is a fairly simple dish to make and with only a few ingredients to prepare.
Start with marinading the fish cubes with lemon juice, olive oil and S&P for minimum of 1 hour. I suggest to marinade the fish first before stacking them on the skewers as its a whole lot easier to marinade them.
After at least an hour, you may stack the fish, together with the cubed tomatoes, bell peppers and onions. Your choice of order too.
Season the tomatoes, bell peppers and onions with EVOO, S&T before grilling them. Grill each side for 2 minutes.


Also, expect more recipes for this category and the rest of the food categories that I would be bringing in here: Invention and Healthy Eating

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