Tuesday, January 3

Cheers 2012!

"Fear less, HOPE more; 
Eat less, CHEW more; 
Whine less, BREATHE more; 
Talk less, SAY more; 
LOVE more and all good things would be yours."

The best way to start the year is to be positive! Cheers to 2012!

I am not a believer of New Year's resolution.. anyone can change anytime and period of the year if he aspires to. So warnning, you won't see any New Year Resolutions post in here.

However, as I have said on a few FB status, 2011 has been an unhealthy year for me and my family. So, I Hope and PRAY that 2012 would be healthier for us. It would be my day to day challenge to see to it that it would be!

Happy New Year and may it would be a healthy (in all aspects) year for all of us!


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