Saturday, December 3

Holidays @ Starbucks

Let me just say, I patiently waited for December to post this, what a good way to open/start December than blogging about my favorite Coffee Shop while sipping a Praline Mocha or Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha perhaps (oppss, they don't have Praline Mocha this year).

I Am A Starbucks Loyal! and I am a regular @ some Starbucks branches all throughout the year..but there is something different with Coffee and Decembers. Ohh I wish I could describe and share to you all the joy and that holiday-festive feeling I feel everytime a visit a Starbucks store on Decembers. The smell of coffee triggers happy Christmas memories as well as childhood hopes associated with Christmas.. I don't know but, you know that feeling when we were children and we were told stories of  Santa Claus and how he give gifts?.. no joke! that's almost (if not exactly) what I feel when I am on a Starbucks shop, smelling the aroma of freshly brewed coffee on Decembers.

Aside from the featured Holiday drinks, what excites me during Christmas too are their planners. I am a collector of Starbucks planner and unlike others that they just like looking at their planners blank and unscratched, I like mine used and full, documenting my whole year (parang planner and diary in one). For me, it defeats the purpose of having a planner if you won't actually use it all throughout the year.

2009 and 2011 Planners. I failed to make on time to get the 2010.

This year, they chose to have smaller planners with wooden covers. Don't judge the planner by its cover, these are real wood and you can select from Polar, Cherry, Spruce, Bamboo or Oak. The wooden cover is so chic and rustic at the same time. I'm not a big fan of the overall design though, I personally think reducing the size is a bad idea. I don't like small space to write on, I like to blab, even in my planners so I feel that the space is not enough. Nevertheless, I would be getting one.. I can always add post-its if I need more space, dba? *wink

As of this writting, I am a few stickers away from these desirable planners but I, slowly but surely, will hold one in my hands before the year ends.


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